
Are Hot Cheetos Bad For Dogs

Are Hot Cheetos Bad For Dogs

While some people claim that hot dogs with chili may be harmful to your dog, it is not true! In fact, having hot dogs with your canine companion can even help them grow! Hot dogs are one of the top ten favorite foods for most dogs. They taste great and they are pretty affordable as well. Plus, you get lots of snacks! Since dogs’ mouths contain no moisture, when eating dry food, they often suffer from gingivitis or dry mouth. When this happens, there is an increase in plaque buildup which could lead to tartar or dental disease. This article…
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Do Horses Sleep With Their Eyes Open

Do Horses Sleep With Their Eyes Open

There are two main theories about why horses sleep with their eyes open. The less popular theory is that this position helps dry out the eye tissue, but some experts believe it also aids in temperature regulation. The more common theory states that by opening their eyelids up, horses use their sense of smell to determine if there are any threats around them. If they do not feel threatened, then they will close their eyelids and go into a deeper sleep. This article will talk about how to help your horse get closer sleeps by closing its mouth and ears…
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Are Pistachios Bad For Cats

Are Pistachios Bad For Cats

As we mentioned before, eating too many pistachio nuts can be harmful to your cat’s health. They are not totally safe for all cats or even some specific breeds! If you are still unsure if it is okay to give your feline friend a few pistachios, then do not feed her any. Rather, look up whether she is an intolerant eater or not. If she is, then there is no need to risk possible nutritional deficiencies by giving her the nut. Sadly, most dogs and cats become sensitive eaters as they get older- this is especially true of those that…
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Best Light For Leopard Gecko

Best Light For Leopard Gecko

A good source of light for most reptiles is direct sunlight, but this may be problematic for some species. For example, if your leopard geckos are spending too much time in the sun, it can cause them to overheat and suffer from heat stress or even death. If you must expose your lizard to natural light, make sure that they have adequate shelter and shade. They will need at least 10 inches of shady retreat per inch of body length. An easy way to provide such shelter is by using glass aquariums as covers. You can also use empty plastic…
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Blue Fawn Razor Edge Pitbull

Blue Fawn Razor Edge Pitbull

Razor edge dogs are not new, but they have become very popular in the dog community recently. These breeds were created by Bernadette Melamed, better known as “Razor” or “Bermuda”. She wanted to create a breed that was intelligent, strong, and had an excellent temperament. The body shape is also reminiscent of a razor because of their long legs which help them to move around more efficiently. Many people believe that these dogs are difficult to train due to their high energy level and desire to learn. Some even say that it is hard to tell if they has learned…
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Blue Fawn Razor Edge Pitbull

Blue Fawn Razor Edge Pitbull

While some people describe pit bulls as “man-eating monsters,” this is not always the case. Some strains are more aggressive than others, just like any other dog breed. Some individuals will exaggerate or even create false stories about dogs in an attempt to gain attention and/or sympathy for themselves or their cause. This can be very misleading to readers who do not know these dogs well. It is important to understand that each individual animal is shaped by different experiences and relationships. A one minute interaction with a dog may mean something totally different depending on whether you meet it…
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Maine Coon Kittens Short Hair

Maine Coon Kittens Short Hair

The term ‘Maine coon cat’ comes from the state of Maine, where these cats were originally bred in large numbers for their unique fur coloration and breed characteristics. As with any new coat style, there are those who love them and those that don’t! Whether your passion is to adopt or foster one, educate yourself about the different types of Minkie coats so you can choose which one is best for you and your home. Many people believe that all Maine coons have short hair but this isn’t always the case! Some long haired varieties exist- just not as many.…
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Can Parakeets See In The Dark

Can Parakeets See In The Dark

There are two major reasons why people get pet parrots that cannot see very well. One is to make sure they feel comfortable, and the other is for fun. A lot of people gain inspiration from their birds. Birds have beautiful feathers and some even speak! Having a bird that can talk is like having a conversation with someone who knows how to be funny and say interesting things. But most birds’ eyes do not work as well as ours do. This means that unless you live in a very bright area or outside, your bird may need special care.…
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How Much Is A Mule?

How Much Is A Mule?

Mules are interesting animals. They are typically thought of as large, white donkeys with funny looking feet, but that is only part of what makes them unique. At their core, mules are hybrids! They are born when an adult horse breeds with a donkey. The offspring have both horse and donkey DNA which means they can retain some traits from each parent. This mix also creates something new-mule! There are many different types of mules. Some are recognized by breed, while others are not. No matter what kind you prefer, all mules share one common trait: they work hard! Mules…
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Why Is My Parakeet Shaking?

Why Is My Parakeet Shaking?

A parakeet that is shaking its tail, wings up, or flapping its wings rapidly is usually signaling distress or fear. This can be due to something it has seen or heard, like a sound, another bird, human interaction, etc. It could also be because it does not feel well physically, such as when an animal gets sick. When birds are stressed they may become more active, talkative, and vocal. They may try to hide in places so other animals cannot detect them. Sometimes birds will drop their normal level of activity and spend less time exploring and interacting with surroundings.…
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