
Why Do Cats Lick Their Paws?

Why Do Cats Lick Their Paws?

As humans age, our skin becomes thinner and more vulnerable to things like cuts and scrapes. This is why it’s important for the health of your skin to pay attention to the way you take care of it. If you are curious about what kind of grooming habits work for other people, then try doing that for a few weeks! For some individuals, though, their cats seem to have an obsession with licking their paws. While this may sound cute, it can be annoying if you happen to watch it happening all day every day. Luckily, there are several reasons…
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English Bulldog Mix With Pitbull

English Bulldog Mix With Pitbull

Many people compare bulldogs to pit bulls due to their similar looks. Both dogs are known for being strong, protective of family members, and intelligent. However, there is one important difference: where dogs of other breeds are typically trained as companions, the bulldog will always be an intimidating guard dog. While some owners may train their dogs as companion animals, this cannot usually be done until the dog is older than six months. Even then, most need more training before they can be allowed outside or around other dogs. It is very difficult to teach these dogs socialization unless they…
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How Much Should A 6 Month Old Cat Weigh?

How Much Should A 6 Month Old Cat Weigh?

The average weight for an eight-week old kitten is typically between 500 and 1,000 grams (1,050–2,100 ounces). At this stage of development, most kittens are eating solid foods and exploring their environment with some success! At six months, most cats weigh around one to two kilograms (2–4 pounds) depending on what breed they are. Some very large breeds can reach heavier weights at this age like British shorthairs which can easily tip the three pound mark. Some things that influence how much your cat weighs include genetics, diet, activity levels, and of course, water intake. This article will discuss why…
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Cats With Long Ear Hair

Cats With Long Ear Hair

Sometimes, even though your cat seems like their normal self, you can tell they’re not quite themselves. They may be acting or behaving in ways that are strange for them, and it is important to understand why. A lot of times, especially if this behavior goes on for an extended period of time, it will end up being something simple. Your feline friend might just want some attention because they feel lonely or displaced due to changing circumstances (like moving or someone passing away). If this is the case, try giving them what they want by playing with them, talking…
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How Far Can You Ride A Horse In A Day?

How Far Can You Ride A Horse In A Day?

Riding a horse is one of the most rewarding sports you can do. There are many different levels of rider, from beginner to advanced. For some people, it is their favorite pastime while others may only do it for fun or to make money. No matter what your reason for riding horses, there is an almost limitless amount of things you can learn about them! There are several types of riders, with beginners being walkers and trotters. These are great stages because you can spend hours just walking around the pasture or field area or just trotting across the plain.…
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How To Get Wax Out Of Cat’s Fur

How To Get Wax Out Of Cat’s Fur

Sometimes, even with all the care you have for your cat, they manage to get some kind of wax or cream in their fur. Whether it is from bath time, grooming, or just nature, many things can give off natural oils that eventually end up stuck in cats’ coats. When this happens, the coat becomes slightly dry and flaky. This is usually not a big deal unless the oil is actually coming out and being exposed to the air. If you notice your pet looking more pale and drawn than normal, then should be concerned. Fortunately, getting rid of the…
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Can Cats Have Whip Cream

Can Cats Have Whip Cream

Many people love to eat dessert, but some feel that it is too expensive or difficult to make due to the amount of cream in recipes. For these individuals, they will go into another food group, which is typically chocolate or vanilla yogurt! Most dogs cannot have dairy products due to their lack of lactation hormones. This includes all three components of milk- whey, casein, and prolactin. Due to this, most dogs do not like yogurt nor does cheese taste good to them. Cats are similar to dogs in terms of their digestion systems. They also suffer from nutritional deficiencies…
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Can Dogs Eat Hot Chips

Can Dogs Eat Hot Chips

Many people ask if dogs can eat hot chips, or whether it is safe for your dog to taste some type of food that is slightly warmer than what most people are used to eating. The answer to this question seems obvious! Of course your dog can eat foods that are warm! However, there are instances where heated salty food is not appropriate for your dog. This article will talk about why this happens and how to prevent it from happening again in future. We will also go into detail about the types of foods that are not recommended for…
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Can Horses Have Peanut Butter

Can Horses Have Peanut Butter

While some people may think that horses are incapable of having peanut butter, this isn’t necessarily true! In fact, there is one horse who proves just how delicious peanut butter can be. A few years back, Mandy took her horse to the local fair where she gave him some leftover PB2 (the most common form of plain vanilla protein powder). He loved it so much he would eat almost an entire bag in minutes! Since then, many other owners have told us about their horses eating protein powders or even peanut butter. Many of them said that their horses appeared…
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Cat Sleeps With Eyes Open

Cat Sleeps With Eyes Open

When your cat is awake during sleep, it can be difficult to get her into a quiet bed or box she has learned how to use for sleeping. If you want to help your loved one pass out, then do not let them put their cat in a closed space such as a crate or bed while they are asleep! This will only make your friend or family member more stressed-out and uncomfortable, possibly even traumatized by the experience. It may also hurt your beloved pet’s feelings if she feels like you don’t love her. Don’t worry though, there are…
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