when are guavas in season?

This week, I wanted to talk about something that can be a bit tricky when it comes to berries and guava recipes. What kind of guavas are in season? And what is the difference between fresh and dried fruits?

I’m going to try my best to make this easy for you! If you have already done some baking or cooking with berries and/or guavas, then you know that sometimes people use slightly more than one type of berry or one plate full of both types. That is totally okay too!

But when making certain dishes like yogurt puddings, cakes, or pies, having enough fruit can be a challenge. So how do you tell if you have enough guay to satisfy your craving?

Fortunately, there are some helpful tips here so let’s go through them!

The first thing we will look at is whether the texture of the guava matters. Does it need to be crisp and tart like a classic apple pie filling? Or does it not matter as long as it brings a depth of flavor to the dessert?

Then, we will discuss whether using dried or freshly harvested guavas makes a difference.

Look for guavas in markets

when are guavas in season

This year, guava season is coming up soon! That is a good thing to know as most countries that grow guavas have limited seasons. They can be dried or made into jam or juice, but they must be done so quickly after picking them.

When grocery stores stock up on guavas it’ll probably be because someone re-hydrated and canned them. A few years ago this wasn’t too common since fresh ones were hard to come by.

Guava plants will only bear fruit once they reach full maturity which typically takes around six months. During this time the plant undergoes several changes, one of which is producing more leaves. These new leaves help protect the fruits from being eaten by other insects and animals.

If you notice some growth happening on your guava tree then start setting aside time to pick and process the fruits.

Try guava jam


The next step to adding some flavor to your snacks is trying their recipes! Adding dried fruits into mixes or baking them as pure foods is an interesting way to use them.

Guay jime is one of our most popular recipes because it can be easily made anywhere, is low cost, and it works well in many applications. It is also very versatile; you can add more liquid and/or sweetener depending on what you desire.

This article will tell you how to make guava jam with easy instructions.

Make guava salad

when are guavas in season

Making guava salad is a fun way to enjoy this tropical fruit seasonally. You can make it as spicy or mellow as you like! Add some olive oil, salt, and pepper to taste and mix thoroughly.

To add more flavor, you can whisk in some of your favorite mayonnaise such as low-fat cream cheese, plain yogurt, or sour cream. Once mixed in, pour over the cut-up guavas and eat them with a spoon!

Guava fruits are not usually eaten alone, so try serving these on top of toast, rice, pasta, or flatbreads for an easy snack or light lunch.

Enjoy fresh guavas


Now that spring has sprung, it is time to enjoy all of the new fruits that season brings. Starting with your morning tea or coffee!
You can either add them whole or mash them down into a puree.

Add some sweetener if you like and mix in some milk to make an incredible soft-serve style drink.

Alternatively, cut each one in half and scoop out the fruit with a spoon, putting it in the mouth as you would vanilla ice cream.

Both recipes are delicious and will wake up your taste buds! Not only that but they both contribute important vitamins and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C.

While most people consider oranges the classic citrus vegetable, guava is becoming more popular.

Try making guava juice


All too often, people get stuck with just eating dried or packaged fruits as they are not always available or attractive. People who enjoy guava products know that it can be hard to find a fresh one unless you live close to a grocery store or have a good supply of food at home.

Making your own juices is an excellent way to enjoy more of the fruit when it is in season and do so without needing to go through additional steps.

Combine with other fruits


Now that you have your guava base, it is time to add some more ingredients. You can mix them into a puree or slice them as thin slices and/or chips.

If you are making a puree, use a food processor or blender to process the guavas until very smooth. If you like thinner glazes, then mince the soft parts of the fruit (like skin and pectin) and stir these into the finished sauce.

For thicker sauces, chop up the meaty bits of the guava and put those into the liquid side of the recipe. For example, when baking cookies, add dried mashed guava pieces to the dry mixture before mixing.

Mixing guavas into something else is called “combining” the two recipes. Your possibilities are endless!

General tips: remember that sweet foods taste better when salty so if you were to combine salt and guava, the likely result would be too much one or the other. So try to avoid this unless the flavor combination is really strong.

Also, make sure to wash all your fruits and vegetables thoroughly! The sugar content of most fruits is natural but their nutritional value may be reduced due to excessive water loss during processing.

Try making guava paste


While most of us know how to make some basic recipes with dried fruits, there are many more ways to use them! Adding acid or moisture can sometimes transform your favorite fruit into something new.

One of our favorite way to enjoy fresh tropical fruits is as a spread like a guava butter or guava jam. But before you start mixing up any jars, there are certain times of the year when it’s best to pick your guavas!

During the winter months, while plants are dormant, tropical fruits will not grow much beyond their natural state. This means that even though spring and summer bring growth for this plant, they are limited.

When these conditions occur, farmers begin to harvest the fruits early to preserve them. By doing so, they are able to get through the season without having to worry about bringing out new leaves and shoots.

This is why people in Northern Hemisphere countries experience a lull in mango seasons and Southern hemisphere nations have a similar one with pineapple.

Because plants need light to thrive, these shorter seasons mean less time for photosynthesis, which takes energy and nutrients away from growing. So, although pineapples and mangos may taste great right now, they won’t necessarily stay that way very long!

In fact, some varieties will go bad within a few weeks because there aren’t enough fruits to keep them thriving.

Try making guava ketchup


What is guava, anyway? Many say that it comes from India where they make syrup or sauce out of them. While this may be true to some extent, most agree that guava originated in Southeast Asia!

In fact, many consider the Philippines to be the birthplace of guava due to its popularity there. Since then, it has spread all over the world and can be found in dried form or as a puree or juice.

Guava is one of those foods that people seem to love or hate depending on their personal taste. Some like it raw while others prefer it cooked down into a sweet jam-like consistency.

Whatever you do with it, however, one thing is certain – guava will always win your praise for its unique flavor. It has been described as having notes of citrus, berries, and/or cinnamon. All three of these components contribute beautifully to creating the perfect guava recipe.

When are guavas in season? Like most fruits, spring and summer are their prime seasons.

By Ishan Crawford

Prior to the position, Ishan was senior vice president, strategy & development for Cumbernauld-media Company since April 2013. He joined the Company in 2004 and has served in several corporate developments, business development and strategic planning roles for three chief executives. During that time, he helped transform the Company from a traditional U.S. media conglomerate into a global digital subscription service, unified by the journalism and brand of Cumbernauld-media.

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