How steroids are fuelling gang violence in Scottish prisons

Prisons in Scotland are facing a surge of gang-related violence as inmates are using steroids to boost their strength and aggression. The drugs are being smuggled into jails through various methods, including vapes and drones.

Steroids detected in five prisons

According to a report by the Scottish Prison Service (SPS), traces of powerful steroids were found in urine samples from inmates at five prisons in Scotland. The prisons are Barlinnie, Edinburgh, Glenochil, Perth and Shotts. The report also revealed that the use of steroids increased by 50% in 2023 compared to 2022.

Steroids are synthetic hormones that can enhance muscle mass, endurance and performance. They can also have negative effects on the body, such as liver damage, heart problems, mood swings and aggression. Some users may become addicted to steroids and experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking them.

Gangs use steroids to intimidate rivals

The SPS report suggested that steroids are being used by gang members to gain an edge over their rivals and assert their dominance in prison. Gangs are involved in various criminal activities, such as drug trafficking, extortion, assault and murder. They often clash with each other over territory, money and respect.

One of the most notorious gangs in Scotland is the Daniel clan, which has been locked in a bloody feud with the Lyons family for decades. The feud has resulted in several shootings, stabbings and bombings, both inside and outside prison. In 2023, two members of the Daniel clan were attacked by a group of Lyons associates at Barlinnie prison, leaving one of them with serious injuries.

steroids are fuelling gang violence in Scottish prisons

Another gang that has been linked to steroid use is the Young Team, which is composed of young offenders who are loyal to the Daniel clan. The Young Team has been accused of carrying out violent attacks on behalf of the Daniel clan, as well as recruiting new members and smuggling drugs into prison. The Young Team is also known for posting videos and photos of themselves on social media, flaunting their muscles, tattoos and weapons.

Steroids smuggled through vapes and drones

The SPS report also revealed that steroids are being smuggled into prison through various methods, including vapes and drones. Vapes are electronic devices that can be used to inhale nicotine or other substances. Some vapes can be modified to contain steroids, which can then be inhaled by the user. The SPS report stated that vapes were the most common method of smuggling steroids into prison in 2023.

Drones are another method of smuggling steroids into prison. Drones are unmanned aerial vehicles that can be controlled remotely. Some drones can carry small packages, such as drugs, phones or weapons, and drop them into prison grounds. The SPS report stated that drones were used to smuggle steroids into prison at least four times in 2023.

The SPS has been trying to crack down on the smuggling of steroids and other contraband into prison. The SPS has installed nets, fences and cameras to prevent drones from entering prison airspace. The SPS has also deployed sniffer dogs, scanners and random searches to detect steroids and other drugs in prison. The SPS has also been working with the police and the Crown Office to prosecute those who are involved in smuggling steroids into prison.

By Zane Lee

Zane Lee is a talented content writer at Cumbernauld Media, specializing in the finance and business niche. With a keen interest in the ever-evolving world of finance, Zane brings a unique perspective to his articles and blog posts. His in-depth knowledge and research skills allow him to provide valuable insights and analysis on various financial topics. Zane's passion for writing and his ability to simplify complex concepts make his content engaging and accessible to readers of all levels.

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