The Pros and Cons of Including Father’s Name on Birth Certificate

When a child is born, the mother’s name is automatically included on the birth certificate. However, including the father’s name on the birth certificate is a personal decision that requires careful consideration.

While there are certainly some advantages to having the father’s name on the child’s birth certificate, there are also some disadvantages that should be taken into account. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the pros and cons of including the father’s name on the birth certificate and help you make an informed decision.

Legal Rights and Obligations

One of the biggest advantages of including the father’s name on the birth certificate is that it gives the father some legal rights and obligations towards the child.

pros and cons of putting father on birth certificate

These rights and obligations include:

The ability to establish paternity: If the father’s name is on the birth certificate, he is legally recognized as the child’s father. This means that he has the right to establish paternity and seek custody, visitation, and responsibility for child support in case of separation or divorce.

Access to medical records: By including the father’s name on the birth certificate, he can gain access to his child’s medical records which might be crucial in cases of an emergency.

Shared responsibility: The father is equally responsible for the child’s well-being, including financially contributing to the child’s maintenance, education, and upbringing. It also gives the father an equal say in important decisions about the child’s welfare such as medical decisions, religious upbringing, and education.

Eligibility for Inheritance: Lastly, if the father’s name is included on the birth certificate, the child is eligible to inherit from their father’s estate in case of his death.

Relationship Strengthening

By adding the father’s name to the birth certificate, it may improve the relationship between the father and the child. In cases absent of the father’s name on the certificate, the mother has sole custody and responsibility of the child.

This can lead to alienation of the child from the father, who may have no rights or responsibilities towards their child. Including the father’s name on the birth certificate promotes family bonding and creates a sense of belonging in the child.

Privacy and Safety Issues

One of the cons of adding the father’s name to the birth certificate is the potential privacy and safety issues that might arise. For some parents who have experienced abusive relationships and situations, it might not be safe to share information about their child’s father.

While birth certificate documents are confidential, they are not always kept secure by government agencies, leaving some families with a potential risk of stalking or privacy violation.

Custody and Support Complications

Another potential disadvantage of including the father’s name on the birth certificate is that it can lead to custody and child support disputes in case of separation or divorce. In some situations, the mothers decide to keep the father out of their child’s life, leading to legal action and a bitter custody battle.

In addition, if the father’s name is on the birth certificate, he is legally required to pay child support, which can prove to be a financial burden for him.In essence, fathers must understand the potential responsibilities of having their name listed in the birth certificate and coming up with an arrangement

Possible Emotional Impact

The decision to include a father’s name on the birth certificate can have an emotional impact on the child, parent, and father at different levels. There might be joy, surprise, or disappointment as a result of an addition or absence on the certificate that can have longlasting emotional effects.

If a father’s name is left out, it can result in feelings of dejection and, at times, a sense of disconnection towards their child. On the other hand, a father’s inclusion on the certificate can instill an immediate sense of responsibility and attachment in some.


In conclusion, the decision to add a father’s name to a child’s birth certificate comes with both positives and negatives. It is crucial to weigh out the pros and cons and make an informed choice. Including the father’s name on the birth certificate provides legal rights that can be beneficial in the future; however, it comes with custody and child support complications. Additionally, adding the father’s name for those in abusive situations poses safety and privacy concerns. Overall, the decision is yours, and it can be a good way of creating and strengthening an emotional attachment or potential conflict. Making an informed decision can be a step towards creating a beneficial and stable future for your child.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the pros of putting the father’s name on the birth certificate?

  • Establishing legal paternity: Listing the father on the birth certificate legally establishes paternity, which can be important for various reasons such as child support, custody, and inheritance.
  • Emotional connection: Including the father’s name on the birth certificate can help create a sense of belonging and emotional connection between the child and their father.
  • Access to family medical history: Knowing the father’s identity allows the child to access crucial information about their family medical history, which can be helpful in understanding potential health risks.
  • Shared parental rights and responsibilities: When the father’s name is included on the birth certificate, he gains certain parental rights and responsibilities, such as being involved in decision-making regarding the child’s upbringing.

2. What are the cons of putting the father’s name on the birth certificate?

  • Legal obligations: Once paternity is established, the father may be held financially responsible for child support, even if he is not involved in the child’s life.
  • Potential custody disputes: If the parents are not together, including the father’s name on the birth certificate could lead to custody disputes or disagreements over parenting decisions.
  • Safety concerns: In cases where the father may pose a threat to the child or mother, including his name on the birth certificate could put them at risk.
  • Difficulty in changing the birth certificate: If the named father is later found not to be the biological father, it can be challenging to remove his name from the birth certificate and establish the correct paternity.

3. Can I add the father’s name to the birth certificate at a later time?

Yes, you can add the father’s name to the birth certificate at a later time. This process typically involves signing a legal document called a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity or obtaining a court order that establishes paternity. The specific process may vary depending on your jurisdiction, so it’s essential to consult with a local attorney or your state’s vital records office for more information.

4. How does not listing the father on the birth certificate affect the child’s rights?

Not listing the father on the birth certificate can impact the child’s rights in various ways, such as:

  • Difficulty establishing paternity: Without the father listed on the birth certificate, it may be more challenging to establish paternity later in life, which can affect the child’s rights to child support, inheritance, and other benefits.
  • Lack of legal connections: The child may not have a legal connection to their father’s family, which could impact their rights to access family medical history or be involved with paternal relatives.
  • Potential emotional impact: Not knowing the identity of their father could have emotional consequences for the child as they grow up and seek to understand their family background.
By Ishan Crawford

Prior to the position, Ishan was senior vice president, strategy & development for Cumbernauld-media Company since April 2013. He joined the Company in 2004 and has served in several corporate developments, business development and strategic planning roles for three chief executives. During that time, he helped transform the Company from a traditional U.S. media conglomerate into a global digital subscription service, unified by the journalism and brand of Cumbernauld-media.

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