When it comes to beauty products, one of the most important terms you will come across is the number of tablespoons used for each product. A tablespoon is just enough liquid to mix into 1 cup of water, or 0.5 ounces (14 grams) depending on what type of measure you use.
Some brands choose to include more than one measurement system when discussing how much cream they contain. Some uses fluid ounce measurements while others use metric measures such as milliliters or evengrams! Make sure to check out our article about which measuring systems are universal so that you know the difference for every brand.
Many people begin using the term “tbsp” because it sounds better than other alternatives. Some prefer saying “rounded up teaspoon,” but this can be confusing since there is not always agreement over what a spoon means. Technically speaking, a spoonsize unit does not exist until after the US government made them official in 1977. Before then, some sets of rules determined whether someone meant a level tea strainer or a dessert ladle, for example.
That being said, the average person usually knows how many teaspoons match their own sized cups. For instance, if your recipe calls for two tablespoons of milk, then you would normally pour exactly that into your drink without having to calculate anything beyond simply adding numbers together.
Definition of a teaspoon
A teaspoon is actually only about 0.06 ounces, or 1 tablespoon! This seems like a lot, but you really should use this amount of tablespoons for every recipe in this article to see how much it can vary.
Most recipes call for one tablespoon of an ingredient used raw (no boiling). This includes butter as well as sugar, milk, and salt. Having too many not-baked ingredients can sometimes make it difficult to measure each correctly, so we recommend buying your baking supplies at a store that sells them professionally to avoid any mix-up’s.
We also suggest using our helpful Tips For More Than Just Make America Great Again articles to help you with more ways to organize your cups and bowls!
Something important to remember when measuring liquids with a spoon is that the liquid should be measured AFTER the spoon. You want to pour the liquid into the container, then add the spoon.
How to calculate how much oil you need
In baking, an adequate amount of butter or other oils is very important to ensuring your finished product comes out right! When measuring your butter or olive oil, use a scale that goes up in milliliters and measure using the proper amounts of tablespoons and teaspoons, depending on the size of the bowl you are using.
For example, if the recipe calls for one cup (250 mL) of melted fat, then you would take one 250mL spoon of fat and add it to the empty pot to make sure there is enough fat in the mixture. This way, you know that your pot does not remain empty because there is no more fat in the mix.
When calculating how many tbsp of oil you should use in a given recipe, remember that some recipes require less than half a cup (50 mL) while others call for one whole cup (100 mL). Therefore, do not simply multiply the number of cups by themselves, instead divide the numbers by two to get the correct results.
Mix it up
There is no one right way to mix your must have liquid ingredients. Different people have different levels of taste, so trying several variations is an excellent way to find what works for you.
Something that has worked well for some is using your finger as a measuring tool. Take a good amount of the ingredient and wash down the bezel with water. Then, use your index finger as a measure and add this mixture into the glass. This may take some experimenting to get the hang of but once done, keep doing it!
Another way to measure oils is to pour a few drops onto your hand and then repeat with the rest of the oil. Check out our list above about how to determine if an olive oil is new or old to see which method works best for you. If it is too strong, start mixing in less oil until you reach your desired strength.
Don’t overdilute
Overdiluting your skin care products can do more harm than good, unfortunately! This is very common with people who use cream or lotion purges. They often use too much of it which makes their skin even more dry and vulnerable to external factors.
Too many people also tend to overdo the water when using oils so their skin may not fully absorb all of the nutrients in the product.
We recommend starting with either our easy recipe or advanced recipes for your best success with our products. Both of these have instructions that speak about how many tablespoons you need per application, but don’t worry if you run out – we’ve got some tips here as well!
Luckily, this is a pretty simple process, so feel free to give it a try yourself! Simply mix together your desired amount of drops in a little bit of liquid (we like to use oil) and apply directly onto your face. Use enough to cover all areas of your face, especially area’s prone to extra moisture such as under your eyes and around your mouth.
This will help keep your skin hydrated and toned up! Make sure to wash your makeup off thoroughly at the end, otherwise you could be leaving leftover traces of the deodorant/anti-blemish agent in your pores.
Try new flavors
As mentioned before, there is no standardization of how to make mixed drinks. What temperatures liquids are mixed with what other liquids and what proportions are totally dependent on the person making them!
This can be confusing for people who have never made their own mixers or cocktails before. There are some general rules that apply to most types of drink recipes, but nothing that says anything about liquid measurements.
Until now! We will go into more detail on exactly how many tablespoons of each ingredient you need in your drink here!
So, let’s get started by taking a look at what kind of drinks we want to make!
What type of drink do we want to make?
We will be making two different types of drinks; a classic cocktail and a tropical juice/tea-based beverage. Both contain alcohol so they require a limit amount of water to create properly.
For the classic drink, we will use three ingredients: milk, sugar, and lemon. For the tropical one, we will use oranges, pineapple, and ginger.
Both sets off pictures very well so it is easy to see why these are common additions to alcoholic beverages. Let’s take a look at some variations of each!
Classic Drink
Alcohol + Milk + Sugar = A Classic Beverage
To make this classic drink, you will need 1 cup of milk, 2 cups of sugar, and a squeezed out piece of lemon.
You should always dilute to the point where you can taste the oil
In baking, there is an easy way to check if your mixture is not enough – add some of it to your hand and see if it looks like butter! If it does, then more may be needed.
Similarly, when mixing oils into recipes or creating new recipes, how much acid, salt, sugar, or other ingredients you need will depend on how much olive oil you use in those cases.
Olive oil has an abundance of minerals that help keep your skin healthy so only needed very small amounts of it in recipes. Therefore, our suggested ratio for using olive oil in cooking is 1 part olive oil to 8–10 parts another liquid.
That means instead of using a whole stick (which would be 2 tablespoons) of olive oil, you might want to start with one tablespoon and increase from there.
Some tips for oil and vinegar shots
The ratio of olive or coconut oil to acid depends on how much liquid you have per drop of oil.
If you have enough water, use less oil to make sure there is an adequate amount for drinking!
If you do not have enough water, then use more oil to ensure you drink your recommended eight glasses every day.
Likewise, the amount of apple cider vinegar you use also affects the taste of the shot. Use fewer berries if the juice is already mixed with water!
General tips: remember that either oils or acids will be neutralized by the other so they do not matter too much; just mix them together and pour as needed!
Reminder: never ingest any chemical product directly, only dilute it properly.
Try new textures
When mixing drinks, there are several things you need to know! Most importantly, water is always liquid, and olive oil is always solid.
So what does that mean? If your drink contains too much liquid, it will not taste good and you may even hurt yourself by drinking enough liquid.
If your drink contains an excessive amount of olive oil, then it will probably taste bad and possibly burn your mouth. Both of these cases can be avoided if you understand how many tablespoons of each ingredient we have per shot.
Luckily, this information is very easy to find! There are lots of sites and apps with recipes that tell you how many teaspoons/tablespoons of each fluid element you should use in a specific number of shots.