Ishan Crawford

Prior to the position, Ishan was senior vice president, strategy & development for Cumbernauld-media Company since April 2013. He joined the Company in 2004 and has served in several corporate developments, business development and strategic planning roles for three chief executives. During that time, he helped transform the Company from a traditional U.S. media conglomerate into a global digital subscription service, unified by the journalism and brand of Cumbernauld-media.
1471 Posts
How Many Cups Is Half A Pint

How Many Cups Is Half A Pint

Most people know how many cups are in a pint, but few realize that there is no standard size for coffee cup sizes! Different companies use different numbers to describe the height of their cups. Some go up only one number (i.e. “tall” or “double tall”) while others keep adding onto it (like “grande” or even “venti”!). This can be confusing for drinkers who want to know what size they are! Luckily, we have some hard numbers here at HealthierElectronics. Definition of a cup A cup is defined as anything that can hold liquid. Some examples include glasses, bowls or…
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How Much Is 128 Oz?

How Much Is 128 Oz?

Having enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do to live a healthy life. Sleeping eight hours or more a night is essential for weight loss, stress relief, mental clarity and overall wellness. Most people are not getting adequate sleep these days. According as studies conducted in 2012, nearly half of all working Americans report sleeping less than six nights per week. For some reason, they cannot find their bed at home wake up and start staying awake later and longer in the workplace. Given that we spend around two-thirds of our time asleep, this has…
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16.9 Fl Oz To Gallon

16.9 Fl Oz To Gallon

When it comes down to it, what matters most in this industry is how much you pour into your business and career. More importantly, it’s about how much you grow as an individual. As you begin to take steps towards achieving your dreams, there are certain things that should be given more attention than others. That thing is water. I’m talking about drinking water. A lot of people forget about its importance until they start running late for work or they wake up feeling less-than-stellar. By then, it can be too late -- dehydration has set in and poor performance…
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How To Make Cornstarch Chunks?

How To Make Cornstarch Chunks?

Many people enjoy the versatility of cornstarch in cooking and baking, but have you ever thought about making your own cornstarch chunks? With just a few simple ingredients and steps, you can create these fun and customizable additions to your recipes. Follow these easy instructions to make your own cornstarch chunks, perfect for a variety of culinary uses. Key Takeaways: Cornstarch Slurry: Combine cornstarch and water to form a smooth slurry by stirring continuously. Add Flavor and Oil: Enhance the slurry with salt for balance and flavorless cooking oil for texture. Thicken and Set: Heat the mixture in a pan,…
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Is Cinnamon Toast Crunch Healthy?

Is Cinnamon Toast Crunch Healthy?

Although some people may consider cinnamon toast crunch to be just plain old sugar, there are some healthier alternatives you can make it into. These include adding cream or milk, using lower calorie sweeteners like sucralose (also known as Splenda) instead of white sugar, and cooking it a bit longer until it’s more crisp-tasting. By that time though, it will probably have burnt slightly so you’ll want to make sure your stomach is well fed before eating it! That’s why most recipes call for serving it with breakfast foods like fruits and/or bread. If you’re still very hungry at that…
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How Many Cups Are In A Half Pint?

How Many Cups Are In A Half Pint?

There are two main types of cups used for drinking beverages: tall and short. A tall cup uses more volume to contain your drink, but requires you to be longer to fill it up. This is not practical when there’s only an average amount of time before you need to use the rest of the beverage! A half pint is a great way to cut down on the amount of wasted space that comes with a tall glass. You get all the benefits of a tall glass without having to worry about overfilling it. This article will discuss how many…
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What are the Foods That Make You Wetter?

What are the Foods That Make You Wetter?

Indulge in the juiciest and most hydrating foods to keep your skin glowing and your body healthy. Discover how certain fruits and vegetables can increase your moisture levels naturally. From succulent sweet potatoes to antioxidant-rich bell peppers, you'll learn about the benefits of these foods and how they can enhance your overall well-being. Keep reading to find out which delicious options will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated from the inside out. Key Takeaways: Broccoli: Contains sulforaphane, an antioxidant that reduces inflammation and aids in detoxification. Eating broccoli can improve oral health, raise growth hormone levels, increase bone density, and…
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How Many Ounces In 3 Gallons?

How Many Ounces In 3 Gallons?

When you do your weekly grocery shopping, how many ounces of various products does each store advertise? More often than not, they exaggerate slightly by one or two ounces to create an illusion of savings! A 1% price increase is always significant, but it’s when we take that 1% cost-increase and apply it to every item in the supermarket aisle that things get really ugly for big food corporations. By adding just one more ounce to their own product, they could make enough money to be a successful business owner. But instead of investing in new equipment or expanding production,…
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4 Foods That Increase Hips Size

4 Foods That Increase Hips Size

Foods That Increase Hips Size Many individuals struggle with achieving toned hips, but the right foods can help you increase your hip size effectively. By incorporating certain foods into your daily diet, you can boost your body's ability to utilize nutrients and potentially enhance the shape of your hips. From dried beans to red meat and whole grains, each food group plays a crucial role in supporting weight gain in the hip area. In this blog post, we will explore the top foods that can help you reach your desired hip size goals. Remember to consult with a medical professional…
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How Many Grams Are In A Half?

How Many Grams Are In A Half?

We’ve all been there before – you start eating and then it takes you longer to feel full than normal. That is probably because your body doesn’t absorb as many calories from what you are eating due to how much milk you have consumed! If you are nursing a child, this can be tricky. You want to make sure that they are getting enough nutrition, but at the same time you don’t want them to over-eat. Luckily, we have some great tips for you here! If you think you might be overfeeding your baby due to lack of production, check…
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