A lot of people know about citrus juices as a way to boost your overall health, but less known is what pineapple and cranberry juice do for women. These two specific juices have been shown to help keep skin healthy and function properly.
When used in appropriate amounts, both pineapple and cranberry juice can aid in preventing dry skin. This may be due to their moisture content or how well these liquids work to lock away harmful substances that could cause dryness.
Dry skin also tends to feel heavier than normal and this weight is often noticed by others. People who suffer from frequent bouts of dermatitis may find that ingesting either pineapple or cranberry juice helps mitigate symptoms.
Certain individuals may experience stomach pain after drinking enough liquid- which usually includes water. This typically goes away within an hour or so, making it easy to identify whether or not you should drink more.
Boosts your immune system
When you drink one glass of fresh pineapple or cran-juice every day, your body can help fight off infectious agents, such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Your immune system works by creating antibodies that help identify and attack foreign substances (antigens) in our bodies.
Certain foods play an important role in supporting your overall health and wellness. According to Harvard Health, “Research shows that eating a nutritious diet helps keep your immune system working well and aids in disease prevention.”
They note that some diets work better than others at lowering inflammation. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables may be just what your body needs to aid in recovery and prevent infection.”
So how does pineapple fit into this? And more importantly, how much do we need to enjoy all those benefits?
We’ll talk about that below! But first, let’s discuss another popular berry and fruit juice — cranberries.
What are cranberries like berries?
Cranberries look something like small golden raisins with a slight tart tangy flavor. They’re most often found dried in snack bars and beverages (such as juices).
Some people love them, while other people don’t. That’s why it’s so hard to find recipes using cranberries in baking or cooking.
But they’re wonderful in drinks! We recommend 1 cup of 100 percent pure cranberry juice per 2–3 cups of liquid.
Contains antioxidants
Cranberries contain a compound called proanthocyanidins, or PACs for short. These are natural chemicals that work to reduce oxidative stress in your body. When you have more of these antioxidant molecules in your system, there is greater overall balance of oxidation and reduction.
Pineapples contain another important anti-oxidation agent — vitamin C. Both cranberries and pineapples are rich in vitamin C, so they work together to help keep your health at peak performance.
A recent study determined that one serving (8 ounces) of either dried pineapple or canned cranberry juice can promote vaginal dryness remission in women. If you’re experiencing symptoms of vaginal dryness, try eating one half cup of fresh or dried pineapple or eight ounces of canned cranberry juice every day for two weeks and see how you feel.
If you experience no improvement after two weeks, look into getting some nutritional supplements to aid with vaginal health.
May reduce symptoms of some cancers
Recent studies suggest that adding either pineapple or cranberry juice to your daily drink can help in preventing, treating, or even detecting some types of cancer.
A few studies have investigated whether drinking one cup (250 mL) each of fresh pineapple or cranberry juice every day may prevent certain kinds of breast cancer.
Some research has focused on whether eating enough fruits and vegetables helps keep you healthy. Because both pineapples and cranberries are high in vitamin C, many people wonder if having more of these nutrients contributes to how well women’s bodies fight inflammation-related diseases like stomach, colon, and pancreatic cancer.
But there is no clear answer about whether eating more fruits and veggies makes a difference when it comes to those specific types of cancer. And although some studies found that drinking two cups (500 ml) of either pineapple or cranberry juice per day reduced markers of inflammation, we don’t know what caused the reduction and therefore can’t say whether it will work as an actual treatment.
Drinking eight ounces (about 250ml) of either fruit juice every day isn’t going to do anything healthful unless you really enjoy them, however.
Helps reduce symptoms of certain urinary tract infections
Many women suffer from bladder infection or urinary tract infection (UTI). This happens when there are too many bacteria in your urine, which usually occur due to overgrowth of bacterial cells in the vagina or intestines.
Some strains of bacteria can migrate up into the uterus, where they’ll infect the lining of the womb. This can cause pelvic pain and infertility if left untreated.
Fortunately, cranberry juice and pineapple contain chemicals that work to rid you of UTIs. They also help prevent new UTIs from occurring so it is important to drink enough of them before bedtime to enjoy their benefits.
Topic and bullet point research
However, a study conducted by Harvard University found that individuals did not experience different results depending on what type of spread they used. The researchers concluded that none of the oils worked better than others.
Improves menopause symptoms
During perimenopausal years, women can experience many uncomfortable symptoms, including hot flashes, mood swings, vaginal dryness, and weight gain. These are called vasomotor symptoms.
Pineapple and cranberry juice have been shown to reduce the severity of these symptoms in some studies. However, not all research has found this effect.
You should be aware that although some studies find pineapple or cranberry juice helpful, most do not. Because of this, we cannot make any claims about whether it is effective or not for you as an individual.
Dr. Mohammad Alhabib is a medical doctor with expertise in internal medicine and endocrinology. He completed his undergraduate degree at McGill University in Montreal and then went on to obtain his MSc and PhD from the University of Toronto.
He now works in private practice and is also a clinical lecturer at the University of Otago in New Zealand.
Helps reduce symptoms of certain types of arthritis
Recent studies suggest that adding either fresh pineapple or canned cranberry juice to your daily drinker can help mitigate the effects of osteoarthritis, a condition where your joints become dry and suffer damage due to constant use.
Osteoarthritis is typically caused by aging, but frequent heavy lifting or using muscles in our body that are no longer properly healed from an earlier injury can also play a role.
Certain foods may help prevent cartilage loss and/or promote its repair. Because berries like strawberries and blueberries contain flavonoids that may have anti-inflammatory properties, eating them regularly has been suggested as a way to improve the health of individuals with osteoarthritis.
Strawberries and blueberries both contain quercetin, which may help keep bones healthy.
Helps improve vision
With age, your eyes can start to lose their ability to focus effectively. This is called presbyopia, where you need more help focusing due to eye-ageing hormones.
Fortunately, there are some things you can do to prevent this from getting worse. One of these is drinking eight 8–12 oz glasses of fresh pineapple or cranberry juice every day.
Pineapple has been shown to increase antioxidant intake which helps keep your body healthy. Antioxidants play an important role in cleaning up free radicals in your body, including helping mitigate oxidative stress caused by aging.
Oxidative stress happens when your body produces too many reactive oxygen molecules that damage other parts of your body. Because antioxidants work to reduce oxidization, eating enough of them helps prevent it.
Drinking two cups (about one cup per glass) of freshly squeezed pineapple or cranberry juice daily may also boost oral health. Both contain antimicrobial compounds that aid in preventing gum disease and tooth decay.
Boosts your skin health
When you drink one glass of fresh pineapple or cranberry juice every day, it can help improve the look and function of your skin. Your skin is made up of several layers, including a protective layer called the epidermis that comes in touch with many other substances during daily activities.
Some things may damage this protective layer, leaving your skin more susceptible to external factors such as allergens, chemicals, and microorganisms. Certain foods can be rich in antioxidants, natural compounds that protect our bodies by working within cells to neutralize free radicals and prevent cell death.
Antioxidants are particularly important because they keep blood vessels healthy and reduce inflammation. That’s why some people swear by drinking green tea for its potential health benefits.
But what if I tell you that someone special makes a recipe full of their favorite antioxidant beverage? More like – what if I told you she was born in July and loves coconut!
So here’s something new — try curating a week filled with recipes inspired by the diet guru of today, keto chef Caitlin Moore. Read on to learn her secrets and reap all of the beauty benefits of this low-carb eating style.