How The National is supporting the Yes movement on Black Friday 2023

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving, when many retailers offer huge discounts and deals to attract customers. But for The National, the pro-independence newspaper of Scotland, Black Friday is also a day to support the Yes movement and the cause of Scottish independence.

The National’s Black Friday campaign

The National has launched a special Black Friday campaign to boost its circulation and reach more readers who support or are curious about Scottish independence. The campaign offers a 50% discount on the annual digital subscription, which gives access to the website, e-edition, and app. The offer is valid from November 24 to November 30, 2023.

The National’s editor, Callum Baird, said that the campaign is a way to thank the loyal readers and supporters of the newspaper, as well as to welcome new ones who want to join the Yes movement. He said that The National is the only newspaper in Scotland that consistently advocates for independence and challenges the Westminster establishment.

He also said that the campaign is a response to the recent polls that show a majority of Scots in favour of independence, and the growing demand for a second referendum. He said that The National is committed to providing accurate and balanced coverage of the issues that matter to Scotland, and to amplify the voices of the people who want to shape their own future.

The National’s impact on the Yes movement

The National was launched in November 2014, shortly after the first Scottish independence referendum, in which 55% of Scots voted to remain in the UK. The newspaper was initially planned as a five-day pilot, but it soon became a permanent fixture in the Scottish media landscape, with a daily print edition and a digital platform.

How The National is supporting the Yes movement on Black Friday 2023

The National has been a vocal supporter of the Yes movement, and has played a significant role in informing and mobilising the public opinion in favour of independence. The newspaper has also been a platform for various pro-independence groups, organisations, and individuals, who have contributed to its content and campaigns.

Some of the notable campaigns that The National has initiated or supported include:

  • The 10,000 Steps to Yes campaign, which encouraged readers to walk 10,000 steps a day and talk to people about independence.
  • The Yes DIY campaign, which highlighted the grassroots activities and events of the Yes movement across Scotland.
  • The National Roadshow, which toured the country and hosted public meetings and debates on independence.
  • The National Billboard campaign, which displayed pro-independence messages and slogans on billboards and buses.
  • The National Wall of Yes, which invited readers to send their photos and messages of support for independence.

The National’s vision for the future

The National has stated that its ultimate goal is to see Scotland become an independent country, and that it will continue to campaign for that until it happens. The newspaper has also expressed its vision for the kind of country that Scotland can be after independence, based on the principles of democracy, social justice, equality, and sustainability.

The newspaper has also said that it will not shy away from criticising or challenging the Scottish government or the SNP, when necessary, and that it will hold them accountable for their actions and policies. The newspaper has also said that it will respect and engage with the views and opinions of those who disagree with independence, and that it will foster a constructive and respectful dialogue on the future of Scotland.

The National has also said that it will celebrate and promote the rich and diverse culture, history, and identity of Scotland, and that it will showcase the achievements and contributions of Scots in various fields and sectors. The newspaper has also said that it will support and collaborate with other pro-independence media outlets and organisations, and that it will seek to expand its reach and influence in the Scottish and international media scene.

The National has also said that it will always be grateful and loyal to its readers and supporters, who have made the newspaper possible and successful. The newspaper has also said that it will always welcome and appreciate the feedback and suggestions of its readers, and that it will strive to improve and innovate its content and services.

The National has also said that it will always be optimistic and hopeful about the future of Scotland, and that it will always be proud and honoured to be the voice of the Yes movement.

By Ishan Crawford

Prior to the position, Ishan was senior vice president, strategy & development for Cumbernauld-media Company since April 2013. He joined the Company in 2004 and has served in several corporate developments, business development and strategic planning roles for three chief executives. During that time, he helped transform the Company from a traditional U.S. media conglomerate into a global digital subscription service, unified by the journalism and brand of Cumbernauld-media.

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