SNP dismisses rumours of Covid affair between two politicians as ‘categorically untrue’

The Scottish National Party (SNP) has denied media reports of a Covid affair between two unnamed politicians, calling the stories “categorically untrue”. The party issued a statement in the wake of two vague reports alleging that two politicians had broken lockdown rules and had an extramarital affair during the pandemic.

The media reports

The media reports, which did not name the politicians involved, claimed that one of them was married and had children, while the other was single. The reports also suggested that the affair had caused tensions within the SNP and that some party members were aware of it.

The reports did not provide any evidence or sources to back up their claims, and did not specify when or where the alleged affair took place. The reports also did not mention whether the politicians were MPs, MSPs, or councillors, or what roles they had within the party.

The SNP’s response

The SNP was quick to dismiss the reports as “categorically untrue” and “baseless”. The party said that the reports were “an attempt to smear” the SNP and its politicians, and that they were “deeply irresponsible” given the ongoing Covid crisis.

The party also said that it had not received any complaints or allegations of misconduct from any of its members or staff, and that it had a robust code of conduct and disciplinary procedures in place.

SNP dismisses rumours of Covid affair between two politicians as ‘categorically untrue’

The party added that it would not comment further on the matter, and that it would focus on its work to protect the public health and deliver a fair and green recovery for Scotland.

The context

The media reports come at a time when the SNP is facing some internal challenges and controversies. The party recently lost one of its MPs, Lisa Cameron, who defected to the Conservatives, citing a “toxic and bullying” culture within the SNP group at Westminster. Cameron also said that she felt “isolated and unsupported” by the party leadership after she voted against a bill to liberalise abortion laws in Northern Ireland.

The party is also dealing with the fallout of the SNP finances controversy, which has raised questions about how the party spent the money it raised for the independence campaign. The party’s former treasurer, Douglas Chapman, resigned in May, saying that he was not given enough information or authority to carry out his role. Three other SNP officials also resigned from the party’s finance and audit committee, after being denied access to the accounts.

The party has also faced criticism from some of its members and supporters for its handling of the Covid pandemic, especially its decision to delay the introduction of vaccine passports and its reluctance to impose stricter travel restrictions.

The party, however, remains the dominant force in Scottish politics, having won a historic fourth term in the Scottish Parliament elections in May. The party also has a clear mandate to hold a second referendum on Scottish independence, which it says is necessary to protect Scotland’s interests and values in the face of Brexit and the Conservative government at Westminster.

By Ishan Crawford

Prior to the position, Ishan was senior vice president, strategy & development for Cumbernauld-media Company since April 2013. He joined the Company in 2004 and has served in several corporate developments, business development and strategic planning roles for three chief executives. During that time, he helped transform the Company from a traditional U.S. media conglomerate into a global digital subscription service, unified by the journalism and brand of Cumbernauld-media.

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