RNLI rescues 22 people from sinking boat off the coast of Scotland

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) has saved 22 people from a boat that was taking on water near the Isle of Skye in Scotland. The incident happened on Sunday, March 3, 2024, around 2:30 pm, when the RNLI received a mayday call from the vessel.

The boat was carrying tourists and crew members

According to the RNLI, the boat was a passenger vessel that was carrying 19 tourists and three crew members. The boat was on a sightseeing tour around the Isle of Skye, a popular destination for visitors. The boat had left Portree harbour earlier that day and was heading towards the Cuillin mountains.

The RNLI said that the boat started to take on water near the island of Raasay, which is located between Skye and the mainland. The boat’s skipper alerted the coastguard and requested immediate assistance. The coastguard then contacted the RNLI and asked them to launch their lifeboats.

The RNLI launched two lifeboats and a helicopter

The RNLI said that they launched two lifeboats from Portree and Kyle of Lochalsh, as well as a coastguard helicopter from Stornoway. The lifeboats arrived at the scene within 15 minutes and found the boat partially submerged and drifting. The helicopter also arrived shortly after and hovered above the boat.

RNLI rescues 22 people

The RNLI said that they quickly transferred all 22 people from the boat to the lifeboats, using a rope and a basket. They said that the rescue operation was challenging due to the rough sea conditions and the strong wind. They said that the boat was sinking fast and that they had to act swiftly to save everyone on board.

The RNLI praised the boat’s skipper and the passengers

The RNLI said that they took all 22 people to Portree harbour, where they were met by paramedics and the police. They said that none of the people suffered any serious injuries, but some of them were treated for mild hypothermia and shock. They said that the boat’s skipper and the passengers were calm and cooperative throughout the rescue.

The RNLI praised the boat’s skipper for his quick and professional actions, saying that he did everything he could to keep the boat afloat and to alert the authorities. They also praised the passengers for their bravery and patience, saying that they followed the instructions and stayed together. They said that the rescue was a team effort and that they were glad that everyone was safe.

The RNLI is investigating the cause of the incident

The RNLI said that they are investigating the cause of the incident, along with the coastguard and the police. They said that they do not know yet why the boat started to take on water and that they will conduct a thorough examination of the vessel. They said that they will also review their own procedures and performance to ensure that they are always ready to respond to any emergency.

The RNLI is a charity that provides a 24-hour lifeboat service around the UK and Ireland. The RNLI relies on donations from the public to fund its operations and equipment. The RNLI said that they are grateful for the support and generosity of the people who help them save lives at sea.

By Axel Piper

Axel Piper is a renowned news writer based in Scotland, known for his insightful coverage of all the trending news stories. With his finger on the pulse of Scotland's ever-changing landscape, Axel brings the latest updates and breaking news to readers across the nation. His extensive knowledge of current affairs, combined with his impeccable research skills, allows him to provide accurate and comprehensive reporting on a wide range of topics. From politics to entertainment, sports to technology, Axel's articles are engaging and informative, keeping readers informed and up to date.

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