A notorious former prison rioter, Sammy “The Bear” Ralston, has been sentenced to eight years in prison for attempting to murder his neighbor, Stewart Anderson. The attack took place on October 29, 2022, in Shettleston, Glasgow. Ralston, who has a history of violent crimes and prison riots, was convicted of repeatedly stabbing Anderson. The court also ordered that Ralston be supervised for an additional two years upon his release.
A History of Violence
Sammy Ralston, now 61, is no stranger to the criminal justice system. He first gained notoriety in 1987 as a ringleader of a six-day siege and riot at the former Peterhead jail, where prison guards were held hostage. This incident marked the beginning of his infamy. Ralston’s criminal activities didn’t stop there; he was also involved in a similar riot at HMP Barlinnie. His violent tendencies have been a consistent theme throughout his life, making him a well-known figure in Scotland’s criminal underworld.
Ralston’s latest crime, the attempted murder of his neighbor, has once again brought him into the spotlight. The brutal attack left Stewart Anderson with severe injuries, but fortunately, his life was not directly at risk. The court’s decision to impose a lengthy prison sentence reflects the gravity of Ralston’s actions and his extensive criminal record.
Despite his violent past, Ralston had managed to stay out of trouble for about 11 years before this latest incident. However, his return to criminal behavior has shocked those who knew him, including his defense lawyer, Donald Findlay KC, who expressed his disappointment at seeing Ralston back in court.
The Court’s Verdict
The High Court in Glasgow handed down a severe sentence to Ralston, emphasizing the need to protect the public from his violent tendencies. Judge John McCormick, who presided over the case, highlighted the seriousness of the attack and Ralston’s prior criminal record. The judge’s decision to impose an additional two years of supervision upon Ralston’s release underscores the ongoing concern for public safety.
During the trial, Ralston denied the charges of attempted murder but was ultimately convicted of repeatedly striking Anderson with a knife. The court heard testimonies from various witnesses, including reformed underworld figures who came to support Ralston. Despite their presence, the evidence against him was overwhelming, leading to his conviction.
Ralston’s defense lawyer, Donald Findlay KC, argued that his client had not been in trouble with the law for over a decade. However, the judge was not swayed by this argument, given Ralston’s history of violent behavior. The court’s decision reflects the need to ensure that individuals like Ralston are held accountable for their actions and that the public is protected from potential harm.
A Notorious Figure
Sammy Ralston’s criminal history is marked by a series of violent incidents that have left a lasting impact on Scotland’s criminal landscape. His involvement in the 1987 Peterhead jail riot remains one of the most infamous events in the country’s prison history. The riot, which lasted six days, saw prison guards held hostage and the intervention of an elite SAS force to bring the situation under control.
Ralston’s notoriety extends beyond his prison riots. He was also infamously photographed at the 1980 Hampden riot during the Scottish Cup final, standing over a Celtic fan who had been struck with a bottle. These incidents have cemented his reputation as a dangerous and violent individual.
The recent attack on Stewart Anderson is a stark reminder of Ralston’s capacity for violence. Despite his age, he continues to pose a significant threat to those around him. The court’s decision to impose a lengthy prison sentence and additional supervision reflects the need to protect the public from his violent tendencies.
Ralston’s case serves as a cautionary tale about the long-lasting impact of a life of crime. His repeated involvement in violent incidents has left a trail of victims and a legacy of fear. As he returns to prison, the hope is that this sentence will mark the end of his criminal activities and provide some measure of justice for his victims.