Controversial healer who claimed to cure cancer faces backlash for Edinburgh event

A self-proclaimed psychic healer who was fined for claiming he can cure cancer is now under fire for hosting a pricey event in Edinburgh that promises to heal trauma and disease. The event, which costs £888 for two days, has been criticised by medical experts and campaigners as a potential threat to vulnerable and seriously ill people.

Who is Jerry Sargeant and what does he do?

Jerry Sargeant is the founder of Star Magic Healing, a company that offers various services such as “DNA upgrades”, “quantum physics healing” and “karmic blueprint clearing”. Sargeant claims to have discovered his healing abilities after surviving a car crash and encountering aliens. He also admits to being a former bank fraudster and drug smuggler.

Sargeant performs “group healing” sessions where he lays his hands on people’s heads while they shake and convulse, sometimes falling to the floor. He also offers online courses, books and videos that teach people how to heal themselves and others. He claims to have helped thousands of people around the world, including celebrities and politicians.

Why is he controversial and what are the legal implications?

Sargeant has been accused of making false and misleading claims about his healing powers, especially regarding cancer and other serious conditions. In 2017, he was convicted under the Cancer Act for advertising that he could cure cancer on his website. He was fined £1200 and ordered to pay prosecution costs of £3487.25 and a victim surcharge of £60.

The Cancer Act prohibits anyone from offering to treat cancer or giving advice on how to treat it, unless they are a qualified medical practitioner. The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations also make it illegal to falsely claim that a product or service can cure illnesses or malformations.

Psychic healer convicted

Sargeant’s website now features a disclaimer that states he does not claim to cure cancer or any other disease, and that he does not advise anyone to stop their medical treatment. However, he still has testimonials from people who say they have been cured of cancer, Parkinson’s, arthritis and other conditions by his healing.

What are the risks and harms of his healing?

Medical experts and campaigners have warned that Sargeant’s healing could pose serious risks and harms to people who are suffering from illnesses or trauma. They say that his healing is based on pseudoscience and has no evidence or mechanism to support it. They also say that his healing could exploit people’s desperation and vulnerability, and deter them from seeking effective and proven treatments.

Professor Edzard Ernst, who was the UK’s first professor of alternative medicine, said that Sargeant’s healing is “quackery” and that the “energetic fields” he claims to manipulate do not exist. He said that the only effect of his healing is a placebo effect, which could be harmful if it replaces or delays proper medical care. He also said that the worse the NHS provision becomes, the more people might be tempted to try such healers.

Dr Lesley Morrison, a GP and a member of HealthWatch Scotland, a charity that promotes evidence-based medicine, said that Sargeant’s healing is “dangerous nonsense” and that he is “preying on the vulnerable”. She said that people who have serious or terminal illnesses need support and compassion, not false hope and exploitation. She also said that people who attend his events could be exposed to Covid-19 or other infections.

How has he responded to the criticism?

Sargeant has defended his healing and said that he is not doing anything wrong or illegal. He said that he is a “facilitator, empowering people to do their own healing” and that he never recommends that people cease their medical treatment. He also said that he has a lot of positive feedback and testimonials from his clients, and that he is not responsible for what they say or do.

He said that he is not bothered by the criticism and that he is following his “divine mission” to heal the world. He said that he is not motivated by money or fame, and that he donates a lot of his income to charity. He also said that he is not afraid of any legal action or investigation, and that he is ready to face any challenge.

He said that he is holding his event in Edinburgh this weekend, and that it is sold out. He said that he expects to heal hundreds of people at the Sheraton Grand Hotel, where he will use his “Star Magic Frequency” to clear their blocks and traumas. He said that he is looking forward to meeting his Scottish fans and sharing his healing with them.

By Axel Piper

Axel Piper is a renowned news writer based in Scotland, known for his insightful coverage of all the trending news stories. With his finger on the pulse of Scotland's ever-changing landscape, Axel brings the latest updates and breaking news to readers across the nation. His extensive knowledge of current affairs, combined with his impeccable research skills, allows him to provide accurate and comprehensive reporting on a wide range of topics. From politics to entertainment, sports to technology, Axel's articles are engaging and informative, keeping readers informed and up to date.

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