Gran’s tragic death after being strangled by abusive boyfriend

The horrific attack

Claire Inglis, 28, was brutally murdered by her boyfriend Christopher McGowan, 28, at her home in Stirling on November 9, 2021. McGowan choked her to death and burned her with a lighter, leaving her with more than 76 injuries. He then tried to cover up his crime by claiming she had fallen downstairs.

CCTV footage released by the Crown Office shows Inglis shopping at a local store just moments before the fatal attack. She was dressed in black and appeared to be in good spirits as she left the shop. She had no idea that her life would soon end at the hands of her violent partner.

The history of abuse

McGowan had a history of domestic abuse and had previously assaulted Inglis and another ex-girlfriend. He was described as a “sadistic” and “controlling” man who subjected Inglis to physical and psychological torment. He isolated her from her friends and family, monitored her phone and social media, and accused her of cheating on him.

Gran’s tragic death after being strangled by abusive boyfriend

Inglis had tried to end the relationship several times, but McGowan would not let her go. He threatened to kill her, harm her children, and expose intimate photos of her online. He also told her that he had terminal cancer and begged her to stay with him.

The trial and sentence

McGowan denied murdering Inglis and claimed that he loved her. He said that they had a “normal” relationship and that he had never hurt her. He said that he found her unconscious at the bottom of the stairs and tried to revive her. He also said that the lighter burns were part of their “sexual play”.

However, the jury did not believe his lies and found him guilty of murder after a two-week trial at the High Court in Glasgow. The judge, Lord Matthews, sentenced him to 23 years in prison and said that he had shown “no remorse” for his actions. He said that McGowan had “snuffed out” the life of a “loving and caring” woman who had a bright future ahead of her.

The impact on the family

Inglis left behind two young children, aged nine and six, who are now being cared for by their father. Her family said that they were “devastated” by her death and that they missed her every day. They said that she was a “beautiful” and “kind” person who loved her children more than anything.

They also said that they hoped that McGowan’s conviction and sentence would bring them some closure and justice. They thanked the police, the prosecution, and the witnesses for their support and professionalism. They also urged anyone who was suffering from domestic abuse to seek help and not to suffer in silence.

By Zane Lee

Zane Lee is a talented content writer at Cumbernauld Media, specializing in the finance and business niche. With a keen interest in the ever-evolving world of finance, Zane brings a unique perspective to his articles and blog posts. His in-depth knowledge and research skills allow him to provide valuable insights and analysis on various financial topics. Zane's passion for writing and his ability to simplify complex concepts make his content engaging and accessible to readers of all levels.

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