Cinnamon And Bay Leaf Tea Benefits

As mentioned before, tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world. There are over 5,000 different types of tea! Some people even create their own special blends to reap the benefits they may contain.

Many individuals drink tea due at least part time to health benefits. Many believe that drinking several cups a day can help keep them healthy and reduce symptoms for various conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

A few of the more well-known teas include green tea with its antioxidant properties, white tea because it is an excellent source of vitamin C, oolong tea which contains antioxidants called flavonoids, and black tea which has similar levels of antioxidants as dark chocolate.

However, there are many other types of tea that have less known or no known health benefits. This article will discuss some of the more common non-green tea health benefits of cinnamon and bay leaf tea.

Can help reduce fat storage

cinnamon and bay leaf tea benefits

Both cinnamon and bay leaves are strong antioxidants that can be used in tea. They both contribute some flavor to your drink, but they also have additional health benefits.

Both of these additives promote healthy blood circulation and improve heart function. This may help prevent atherosclerosis, or build up of cholesterol in the arteries.

Atherosclerosis is one cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD), which includes conditions like stroke or cardiac arrest due to clot-related problems in blood vessels.

Studies show that people who suffer from CVD tend to have higher levels of LDL, sometimes called “bad” cholesterol. Because cinnamon and bay leaf decrease body weight, they may lower total cholesterol by enhancing the liver’s ability to get rid of excess lipids.

Another possible benefit of cinnamon and bay leaf is their potential effect on glucose metabolism. Different herbs affect this process differently, but studies suggest that cinnamon and bay may boost insulin sensitivity.

That means you burn more calories with each step you take and your body processes sugar more efficiently. You will feel slightly less hungry while on this herbal treatment option because of this.

You can try either dried ground cinnamon or powdered cinnnamon stick directly into your tea. Use the same amount of either ingredient for the same effects.

Boosts immune function

cinnamon and bay leaf tea benefits

Both cinnamon and bay leaves contain antioxidants that work to boost your body’s natural defenses against infectious agents, such as bacteria, viruses, and yeast.

These antioxidants can help keep you healthy by acting like little magnets that stick to negative ions, which are also called free radicals. Negative ions are what give air around us an electrical charge. For example, when you breathe in air with high levels of negatively charged particles, your body automatically compensates and gets rid of all the positive electrons that it has, creating more space with no balance.

When there is too much empty space, your body must work harder to achieve internal electro-chemical equilibrium. This creates a state of heightened inflammation, which can have harmful effects on health.

Inflammation may be the most important factor in determining overall health and disease risk. A balanced diet should include sources of anti-inflammatory nutrients to reduce inflammation. Unfortunately, many foods with claimed benefits are actually pro-inflammatory.

Fortunately, tea is an excellent source of bioactive compounds that aid in lowering inflammation, and studies show that both cinnamon and bay leaf tea contribute to this effect. So let’s take a closer look at some of the possible reasons why they may promote good health, and how to make the best tea for these purposes.

Cinnamon and bay leaf tea benefits

Good quality tea contains several types of flavonoids that work together to promote health.

Encourages mental focus

cinnamon and bay leaf tea benefits

Chai is one of the most popular flavors in tea-making. It’s usually made with cinnamon, bay leaves, and water and sometimes milk or cream as well.

Studies show that consuming three cups of chai per day can reduce symptoms of stress, promote relaxation, and increase attention and focus. These benefits come from the berry extract in the drink, not the spices themselves.

A study conducted at Boston University found that participants who drank two to four cups of peppermint tea every morning had improved mood and sleep quality. They also noticed improvements in their overall energy level and concentration during the days they were drinking minty tea.

A calming effect


Many people enjoy cinnamon for its pleasant taste and warm, comforting feel. Besides just being delicious, cinnamon is an excellent source of antioxidants and can be helpful in improving your health.

Cinnamon has many uses that have little to do with eating. You can add it to water or tea and drink it directly. Or you can use it in recipes as a flavor ingredient.

Some studies suggest that cinnamon may reduce blood glucose levels after a meal. This could be helpful for individuals who are diabetic and want their drinks and snacks to be lower in sugar.

Another possible benefit of cinnamon is reducing cholesterol. However, there isn’t enough research done on this to prove that claim completely.

However, if you are looking to improve your overall heart and cardiovascular health, adding some cinnamon into your diet can be a good start.

Contains catechin, a powerful antioxidant


Another way to make tea is to simply pour boiling water over dried leaves of tea. This process is called “brewing” or “making tea.” The term “tea” comes from the Chinese word for this process — cha qi.

You can also add flavorings to your tea such as cinnamon or bay leaf. Both of these additives contain antioxidants that work similarly to vitamin C in promoting healthy skin.

Cinnamon has an intoxicating fragrance that some people love while others find it overpowering or even sickly sweet. It contains small amounts of beta-carotene and minerals like zinc and potassium.

Bay leaves are strong and peppery, similar to black pepper. They are rich in iron and calcium but not much else aside from caffeine.

Helps reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease


Recent studies suggest that cinnamon may help prevent cognitive decline in individuals with early-stage dementia. A study conducted at UC Irvine evaluated the effects of cinnamaldehyde, an ingredient found in cinnamon, on patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease.

The researchers gave some participants 150 mg of cinnamaldehyde twice per day while others were given a placebo for six months. Both groups had their medication administered through oral drops delivered by either you or someone else.

After the six month period was over, those who took cinnamaldehyde showed significant improvement in learning and memory tasks compared to the control group.

It is important to note that this research was done on people already diagnosed with Alzheimer’s so it cannot be said whether cinnamaldehyde can prevent cognitive impairment in individuals without the condition. However, there are ways you can improve your overall health and wellness and this includes preventing dementias such as Alzheimer’s.

You should consider trying out a few cups of cinnamon tea every week to see what effect it has on you.

Can help reduce symptoms of Parkinson’s disease


Recent studies suggest that cinnamon may have benefits for people with early-stage Parkinson’s disease, an incurable condition in which dopamine levels are reduced.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter (nerve signal transmitter) that helps us feel motivated, engaged, and interested in things. It also plays a key role in mood regulation, so loss of it can cause depression or anxiety.

In a study conducted at the University of California, San Diego, eight participants diagnosed with idiopathic Parkinson’s took either 1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon per day or a placebo powder for six weeks.

The researchers found that those who consumed cinnamon experienced improvements in motor function, such as balance and gait. They also noticed improved quality of life, including less irritability and psychological stress.

While these results were not dramatic, they do show some potential benefit from cinnamon for individuals with Parkinson’s. However, more research needs to be done before we recommend this intervention for patients.

Has antimicrobial effects


Both cinnamon and bay leaves contain antioxidants and antimicrobials that can help reduce symptoms of colds and get rid of existing infections.

These two ingredients work in different ways to promote health and wellness. They both increase your body’s natural immune response, helping prevent infectious agents from attaching to and growing in healthy cells.

Studies show that some parts of cinnamon are more potent than others. You should be able to find either stick or powdered form and they all taste great! Try making a tea with one teaspoon each of dried cinnamon leaf and fresh bay leaf.

Sipping this warm drink daily may also boost its benefits even more.

By Ishan Crawford

Prior to the position, Ishan was senior vice president, strategy & development for Cumbernauld-media Company since April 2013. He joined the Company in 2004 and has served in several corporate developments, business development and strategic planning roles for three chief executives. During that time, he helped transform the Company from a traditional U.S. media conglomerate into a global digital subscription service, unified by the journalism and brand of Cumbernauld-media.

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