Many dog owners claim that eating too many tortilla-filled snacks or even letting their dog eat leftover pizza can be harmful to their dogs’ health. This is not true, however!
Tortillas are made of maize (corn) flour which is a common food source for most animals including dogs. Besides being an excellent source of energy and minerals, flours such as wheat have been linked to some health issues in certain breeds like hair growth in German Shepherd Dogs and skin allergies in Chihuahuas.
However, this does not apply to corn starch powder because it is simply consumed to help fuel muscle activity. Therefore, there is no risk of nutritional deficiencies due to limited intake. Moreover, there are ways to prepare tortillas so that they do not contain any additives.
This article will discuss the potential risks associated with giving your dog bread instead of all the other foods she/he is used to.
They contain gluten
Other theories claim that some types of globs in wheat (such as endospores) can survive the stomach acid and germinate or grow into an infectious agent once they reach your digestive tract.
Whatever the cause, when dogs are exposed to too much gluten they may become ill. The symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, lethargy, drooling and dehydration.
Tortilla chips are often the culprit due to their high content of the grain. If you notice any changes in behavior or health, do not give him/her more tortilla chips. Instead, try making his/her favorite non-chip snacks such as fruits or vegetables.
They may contain yeast
Many dogs love to eat tacos! The main ingredient of a taco is typically meat, rice or pasta, and salsa or avocado. While most people know that dried bread products are not good for dogs, there’s been some controversy surrounding soft tortilla-based foods like chips and tacos.
Some experts claim that certain types of wheat flour can be harmful to dogs due to an enzyme called gliadin. Gliadins are found in barley, rye, oats, triticale, and wheat berries. These specific carbs can cause intestinal inflammation in dogs similar to how gluten causes gastrointestinal issues in humans.
Other theories say that fermentation removes important nutrients from the food, making it less nutritious for your dog. Yeast is used during the manufacturing process of both corn and flour-made tortillas, so whether or not this theory applies varies per brand.
Since dogs are carnivores, they require more protein than other species. When eating cooked meats, digestion requires adequate levels of amino acids to occur. Without these essential nutrients, your dog could become deficient and suffer health consequences.
They can make your dog feel unwell
While most dogs love a good tortilla, there are some types of tortillas that may not be so pleasant to eat. Some contain wheat or corn which both can cause an allergic reaction in certain dogs.
Tortillas made from white flours such as those containing zein (an ingredient found in maize) can also sometimes look like pieces of rice. When bitten down, these textures stick around longer than normal breads, taking longer for your dog to chew through and swallow.
This is why it is important to buy only foods with clearly stated ingredients and no filler materials such as wheat flour or dried milk powder. These could potentially remain in your dog’s stomach fur or digestive system long after they have eaten them. This would then act as a potential source of allergens that their bodies cannot cope with!
If you find that your dog has become ill due to eating a bad batch of food, do not worry. There are many ways to help treat this condition, and most veterinary hospitals now offer special diets to dogs.
They should be properly stored
Many dogs get their taste for tacos from eating the shells or leftover taco meat that other animals don’t eat. Taco shell powder, however, is not an appropriate food option for your dog!
Taco shells can be hard to find sometimes at restaurants, so if you order Mexican foods for your dog, make sure to ask them whether they include rice or corn tortilla as an ingredient. If there are no rice or corn tortillas used in the recipe, then none of the processed ingredients listed above contain wheat or gluten, which usually means nothing for your pooch!
But what about when you do run out of taco meat? You can always use cooked chicken, beef, or fish instead! The same goes for recipes where the taco shells themselves are replaced with bread crumbs or rice.
Follow your dog’s cues
Many dogs love carbs, especially when they are made of wheat or corn! The truth is, however, that some types of starch can be a problem for certain dogs.
Tortilla chips are usually high in gluten and/or salt, which could cause issues for some dogs. If you notice signs such as salivation, diarrhea, lethargy, and/or vomiting after your dog has access to them, take action immediately!
You should never leave food out for your pet, so if you run into this issue, do not give your dog the snacks until you have corrected the behavior. Also, make sure to wash all exposed surfaces such as tableware thoroughly to avoid ingesting leftover crumbs.
Avoid feeding your dog too many
Many dogs’ eating habits are not natural, however. Some dogs enjoy consuming large amounts of wheat or corn-based products frequently. The average one-year-old puppy is fed an average of eight to twelve small slices of bread per day!
While some puppies may need that much food to grow properly, older dogs can eat enough to cause health problems.
As humans love high carbs foods, it is understandable why so many people like baking with white flour and sugar. But this isn’t necessarily the case when you’re talking about animals.
Some breeds have special nutritional needs, such as lupus dogs which require low cholesterol diets. Others suffer from digestive issues due to their stomachs not being able to process certain types of food.
So what are the risks if you do choose to give your dog bread? Let’s look at them.
You should always wash your hands before you eat
Many people believe that if dogs are eating packaged or manufactured foods, then they are not using their natural digestive system processes to break down what they eat.
This theory is called nutritional biochemistry. It says that when we consume food, our bodies use certain enzymes to help us process the nutrients in the food.
Some of these enzymes come from the saliva, so washing your hands removes this enzyme-saliva coating, which can prevent your body from efficiently breaking down the food you ingest.
Tell your vet if you see any symptoms
With every passing year, dog owners are paying more attention to their dogs’ diets. Different foods can have different effects on your pooch!
Some things like chicken or fish contain histamines that can cause skin allergies in some dogs. A major source of this is wheat which contains an enzyme called gliadin that reacts with the body when consumed.
Many people blame these reactions on the gluten in bread but there are other sources of gliadin such as meat, vegetables and even water. Because pork and beef do not usually taste good to most dogs, they often don’t eat the meat off the bone where all of the nutrients remain.
When dogs don’t get enough nutrition, their immune systems can become compromised and diseases can occur.