Transphobia in Media: An Endangerment to Transgender People’s Rights and Safety

Media outlets’ irresponsible reporting has put transgender individuals at risk. Anti-transgender legislation and rhetoric have historically led to the persecution and marginalization of this already vulnerable group. The New York Times, CBS, and the BBC have all come under fire for their coverage of transgender issues. By giving a platform to bigoted individuals and promoting bad-faith concerns, they generate fear and paranoia around gender-affirming care. This culture of transphobia has led to open calls for the eradication of transgender people. The Biden administration’s recent “compromise” on transgender people in sports may further endanger their safety. As history has shown, such marginalization can lead to extreme violence.

Endangerment to Transgender People's Rights and Safety
Endangerment to Transgender People’s Rights and Safety

New York Times Criticized for Irresponsible Coverage of Transgender Issues

An open letter signed by nearly a thousand New York Times contributors and subscribers accused the paper of irresponsible and dangerous coverage of transgender issues. The letter cited the use of opinion and news articles in anti-transgender legislation in states such as Nebraska, Alabama, and Arkansas. The New York Times denied these accusations, claiming they give credence to all sides of the issue. However, their skepticism towards historically transphobic pundits like Ross Douthat and Bari Weiss has emboldened other media institutions to follow suit.

CBS and the BBC’s Problematic Coverage of Transgender Issues

CBS recently afforded notorious far-right representative Marjorie Taylor Greene a shockingly sympathetic interview on their 60 Minutes program. The interviewer offered hardly any pushback when she referred to the Democratic Party as a “party of pedophiles,” a stance rhetorically linked to issues of gender-affirming care. Similarly, the BBC’s coverage of transgender issues has come under fire for platforming bad-faith concerns and ignoring the other half of the argument.

The Danger of Marginalizing Transgender People

By allowing bigoted individuals and promoting bad-faith concerns, media outlets generate fear and paranoia around transgender people and the healthcare they require. This culture of transphobia has led to open calls for the eradication of transgender people. The Biden administration’s recent “compromise” on transgender people in sports may further endanger their safety. As history has shown, such marginalization can lead to extreme violence. Prior to the rise of Adolf Hitler, Weimar Germany had been a hub of LGBTQ+ studies. Transgender people were among the first groups to be deported to concentration camps. To pretend that the push by far-right groups to marginalize and concern-monger transgender people is journalistic integrity is to open the door to far more radical and violent agendas.

By Ishan Crawford

Prior to the position, Ishan was senior vice president, strategy & development for Cumbernauld-media Company since April 2013. He joined the Company in 2004 and has served in several corporate developments, business development and strategic planning roles for three chief executives. During that time, he helped transform the Company from a traditional U.S. media conglomerate into a global digital subscription service, unified by the journalism and brand of Cumbernauld-media.

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