Scotsman suffers brain injury after brutal attack by off-duty doorman

A Scottish man who was celebrating his friend’s stag do in Liverpool was left with a brain injury after being assaulted by an off-duty doorman. The victim, David McAdam, 30, from Glasgow, was punched and kicked in the head by Daniel Misiolek, 41, outside a bar in the city centre.

The attack

The incident happened on March 8, 2023, around 11.30 pm, when McAdam and his friends were leaving the McCooley’s Irish bar on Concert Square. They were approached by Misiolek, who was working as a doorman at a nearby venue, and his friend Anthony Wales, 28.

According to the CCTV footage, Misiolek and Wales started a verbal altercation with McAdam and his group, before Misiolek threw the first punch at McAdam’s face. Wales then joined in the attack, kicking McAdam in the head as he fell to the ground. The pair continued to assault McAdam, who was unconscious and bleeding, until they were stopped by other doormen and bystanders.

The injuries

McAdam was taken to the Royal Liverpool Hospital, where he was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury, a fractured eye socket, and a broken nose. He had to undergo surgery to insert a metal plate in his skull and to repair his eye socket. He also suffered from memory loss, headaches, and blurred vision.

Scotsman suffers brain injury

McAdam, who works as a plumber, said he was devastated by the attack and the impact it had on his life. He said he was unable to work, drive, or play football, and that he felt anxious and depressed. He also said he was worried about the long-term effects of his brain injury and the possibility of developing epilepsy or dementia.

The trial

Misiolek and Wales were arrested and charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent, a crime that carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. They pleaded guilty at the Liverpool Crown Court on April 9, 2023.

The court heard that Misiolek had a previous conviction for assaulting a police officer in 2018, and that Wales had a history of violence and drug offences. The defence lawyers argued that the attack was not premeditated and that the defendants were remorseful and ashamed of their actions.

The judge, Recorder David Turner QC, sentenced Misiolek to nine years and four months in prison, and Wales to seven years and two months. He said the attack was “cowardly, brutal, and sustained” and that it had caused “catastrophic” injuries to McAdam. He also said that Misiolek, as a doorman, had a duty to protect the public and not to harm them.

The reaction

McAdam said he was “disgusted” by the sentences and that they did not reflect the severity of the attack and the damage it had done to his life. He said he hoped that the defendants would “rot in jail” and that he would never forgive them. He also thanked his family, friends, and the NHS staff who supported him during his recovery.

McAdam’s mother, Linda McAdam, 54, said she was “heartbroken” by what happened to her son and that she feared for his future. She said she was “angry” at the justice system and that the sentences were “a joke”. She said she wanted the attackers to “suffer” as much as her son did.

McAdam’s friend, Craig McLean, 31, who organised the stag do, said he was “shocked” by the attack and that it ruined the celebration. He said he was “appalled” by the sentences and that they did not send a strong message to deter violence. He said he hoped that McAdam would “get justice” and that he would recover fully.

By Ishan Crawford

Prior to the position, Ishan was senior vice president, strategy & development for Cumbernauld-media Company since April 2013. He joined the Company in 2004 and has served in several corporate developments, business development and strategic planning roles for three chief executives. During that time, he helped transform the Company from a traditional U.S. media conglomerate into a global digital subscription service, unified by the journalism and brand of Cumbernauld-media.

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