Doctor Who, the popular British sci-fi show, has introduced its first transgender character in its latest episode, titled “The Timeless Children”. The character, named Tecteun, is a member of an ancient alien race called the Time Lords, who have the ability to regenerate into different forms and genders. Tecteun is revealed to be the adoptive mother of the Doctor, the main protagonist of the show, who has also regenerated into different genders throughout the series.
A groundbreaking representation of trans identity
The inclusion of a trans character in Doctor Who is a significant milestone for the representation of trans people in mainstream media. The show has a global fan base of millions of viewers, who have expressed their excitement and appreciation for the character on social media. Many trans fans have shared their personal stories of how the show has helped them embrace their identity and feel less alone.
One of them is Jamie, a 23-year-old trans man from Scotland, who wrote an article for The National, a Scottish newspaper, about what Tecteun meant to him. He said that he grew up watching Doctor Who and that it was one of the few shows that made him feel accepted and understood. He said that seeing Tecteun on screen was a “dream come true” and that it gave him hope and validation.
“I’ve always loved Doctor Who because it celebrates diversity and difference. It shows that anyone can be a hero, regardless of their gender, race, sexuality, or background. It also explores the concept of regeneration, which resonates with me as a trans person. Regeneration is not just a physical change, but a psychological and emotional one. It’s about finding yourself, discovering new aspects of your personality, and adapting to new situations. It’s something that I’ve experienced in my own transition, and I’m sure many other trans people can relate to,” he wrote.
A positive response from the cast and crew
The cast and crew of Doctor Who have also expressed their support and pride for the character of Tecteun. Jodie Whittaker, who plays the current incarnation of the Doctor, said that she was “thrilled” to work with Rebecca Root, the actress who portrayed Tecteun. Root is a trans woman herself and has appeared in other shows such as Boy Meets Girl and The Sisters Brothers. Whittaker said that Root brought a “wonderful energy and charisma” to the role and that she was “honoured” to share the screen with her.
Chris Chibnall, the showrunner and writer of the episode, said that he wanted to create a character that would reflect the diversity and complexity of the Doctor’s origin story. He said that he was inspired by the history and mythology of the Time Lords, who have been shown to change genders and appearances in previous episodes. He said that he wanted to explore the idea that the Doctor’s biological mother could be a trans woman and that it would not affect their bond or love.
“I think it’s important to show that trans people are not defined by their gender identity, but by their actions and choices. Tecteun is a brilliant scientist, a brave explorer, and a loving parent. She is not defined by her transition, but by her contribution to the universe. She is a role model for the Doctor and for the audience. She is a testament to the fact that trans people can achieve anything they set their minds to, and that they deserve respect and recognition,” he said.
A hopeful message for the future
The introduction of Tecteun in Doctor Who is a sign of the increasing visibility and acceptance of trans people in the media and society. It is also a hopeful message for the future, as it shows that trans people can be part of any story, genre, or world. It shows that trans people have always existed and will always exist, and that they have a place and a purpose in the universe.
As Jamie wrote in his article, “Tecteun is not just a character, but a symbol. A symbol of hope, of courage, of love. A symbol of what it means to be trans, and what it means to be human. A symbol of what Doctor Who stands for: the infinite possibilities of life.”