There are several different ways to use clove oil for hair care, but none of them have been confirmed to work effectively as shampoo or conditioner. Because it is so popular in online forums, some people claim incredible results with clove water, but these claims seem too good to be true.
It is very easy to make your own version of this product, which makes it hard to determine if those claims are believable or not. It may also contain additional oils that could potentially interfere with how well your hair works.
This article will talk about the possible side effects of using clove oil as a hairstyling tool and whether or not they are worth it. We will also look at all of the factors needed to ensure the safety of your hair while using this product.
There are many benefits of using clove oil for hair
Many people have successed in adding some clove oil to their everyday beauty routines. It can be directly applied onto your scalp or you can use a spray bottle to apply it onto your hands, then wash off the excess just like any other hand lotion.
Cloves contain a compound called eugenol that does several things for skin. It acts as an antimicrobial agent, helping prevent infections, and stimulates growth of new cells.
It also improves blood circulation which helps keep your hair strong and healthy.
There have been a few reports of people experiencing irritation when using clove oil as a hairspray or gel ingredient. This usually goes away within hours once the product is washed off.
Clove oil can be irritating to the skin
Although clove oil is considered a cosmetic, it does not stay that way for long. People have used this oil for hair since ancient times and it is still a popular product today.
Many people swear by clove oil as a natural hairdressing ingredient. It can either be mixed into a shampoo or applied directly onto the scalp. Because of its popularity, there are many different versions available.
Some say that you need only use very small amounts of the oil while others suggest using larger quantities. Unfortunately, none of these rules are set in stone so you will probably find both good and bad reviews about the effectiveness of clove oil.
A couple of negative reports state that the oil was too strong for some individuals’s hair and that it caused damage. Others claim that the oil left their hair dry and thinned out.
There has even been one report of an individual suffering serious eye irritation after rubbing her eyes with the oil. As always, do your research before experimenting on yourself or others!
Cloves contain allicin which acts as a antimicrobial agent. This means that it helps prevent infection in infected areas (like wounds or cuts) and kills off bacteria already present.
However, this does not mean that it is safe for everyone. Some people are allergic to cloves thus they may suffer adverse effects when exposed to the chemical.
For those individuals, avoiding the oil could be our best bet until the allergy is treated.
There are many side effects of using clove oil for hair
Recent reports indicate that applying clove oil to your scalp can actually harm your hair!
Some studies suggest that applying high concentrations of clove oil to your scalp may reduce the effectiveness of your natural oils, causing dry skin and even serious health problems.
In fact, one article mentions an 80% success rate in people’s claims that their hair grew back after going through half a bottle of cloven-hoofed beast product!
Sadly, most of these products contain more than 10 drops of pure clove oil — which means they could potentially be doing you some significant damage.
Take caution when using clove oil
Although clove water can be an interesting experiment, there are some serious side effects that can occur if you use it regularly or excessively.
One of the most common complaints is dry skin. Yours may even get worse instead of getting better as your hair grows longer.
Dry skin also becomes very sensitive and this can cause more problems like eczema or dermatitis. If you are ever concerned about your skin condition, stop applying the clove water immediately!
Another potential problem is excessive bleeding or bruising. This could happen from external injuries such as bumps or falls, or internal bleeds such as stomach ulcers or gi bleeders.
We recommend only experimenting with clove water once a week at the most to see how it affects your hair and skin.
Try some natural remedies for hair loss
There are many ways to treat thinning or even total cessation of hair growth. Luckily, there are several simple treatments you can use that have almost no side effects. One such treatment is clove water.
Cloves contain a compound called allicin which acts as a stimulant and antioxidant agent. They also contain a chemical compound called eugenol that stimulates hair growth.
There are several recipes using clove oil in combination with other products to create clove water. You can usually find dried cloves in grocery stores or online shopping sites such as Amazon.
These recipes will not only help your hair grow, but can also prevent it from falling out! It’s an easy way to do some good for yourself.
Use a moisturizer with added vitamin C
There have been some reports of people experiencing dry skin or eczema while using clover water as a hair wash. This is not common, but it does occur!
Making sure your skin is well-hydrated can prevent this side effect. A good way to do that is to use a heavy cream or gel type moisturiser in your bath. You can also apply these products directly onto your scalp to help preserve moisture there.
You may want to try washing your hair with only distilled water before adding the clover juice to ensure you don’t get any effects on your skin.
Use a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water
There are several different recipes you can use to make your own clove water. One of the most common is an easy mix of one part acv with two parts water.
You will want to test your dry hair after applying the solution to see if it works.
Use a natural hair rinse
There are several different types of cloves water that people use to wash theirhair. Some mix dried cloves with baking soda, other’s use only cloves, some addvitamin E oil or coconut oil, and others do not!
Many users claim that using clove-based products is more effective than justusing regular shampoo and conditioner because it works effectively at removingdirt, fungus, and toxins from your hair.
However, there are also reports of people suffering negative side effects toproducts containing clove extract. These include inflammation, red skin patches,scruffy hairs, dry scalp, and even bald spots.
It is important to note that not everyone experiences these symptoms afteruses of clove based rinses. If you experience any of these side effects, stopuse immediately and try another product.