Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler faces second sexual assault lawsuit

A woman claims she was sexually assaulted by the rock star twice when she was 17 years old in 1975.

Who is Jeanne Bellino?

Jeanne Bellino is a woman who has filed a sexual assault lawsuit against Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler. She says she has suffered “severe and permanent emotional distress” after the singer allegedly assaulted her twice in 1975 at the age of 17, according to the New York lawsuit. She was working on a fashion show in Manhattan when a friend arranged for them to meet the rock band.

What are the allegations against Tyler?

The lawsuit alleges that Tyler sexually assaulted Bellino twice during that day. The first incident was allegedly in a phone booth where she said the musician “pinned” her up against the wall, groped, kissed and simulated sex without her consent. The second incident was allegedly at the hotel after they entered the bar together. The lawsuit cites “gender-motivated violence” as the cause of action.

aerosmith steven tyler jean bellino

How has Tyler responded to the lawsuit?

Representatives for Tyler have been contacted for comment but have not responded yet. The singer has not publicly addressed the allegations. Tyler has previously admitted to having sex with underage girls in his autobiography and in interviews. He also had a relationship with Julia Misley, who was 16 when they met in 1973. Misley filed a similar lawsuit against Tyler last year, accusing him of having an illicit sexual relationship with her when she was a teenager.

What are the legal implications of the lawsuit?

The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages for Bellino’s physical, personal and psychological injuries. It also asks for a jury trial. The lawsuit faces some challenges, such as the statute of limitations and the lack of physical evidence. However, the lawsuit could also benefit from the recent changes in the New York law that extended the time limit for filing civil lawsuits for child sexual abuse. The lawsuit could also be supported by other witnesses or victims who might come forward.

Why is this lawsuit important?

The lawsuit is important because it raises awareness about the issue of sexual abuse and exploitation in the music industry. It also challenges the image and reputation of Tyler, who is one of the most famous and influential rock stars in history. The lawsuit could also have an impact on the future of Aerosmith, who are planning to resume their farewell tour in 2024. The lawsuit could also inspire other survivors of sexual abuse to seek justice and healing.

By Ishan Crawford

Prior to the position, Ishan was senior vice president, strategy & development for Cumbernauld-media Company since April 2013. He joined the Company in 2004 and has served in several corporate developments, business development and strategic planning roles for three chief executives. During that time, he helped transform the Company from a traditional U.S. media conglomerate into a global digital subscription service, unified by the journalism and brand of Cumbernauld-media.

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