A teenager from Paisley, Scotland, had to undergo a surgery to remove his left testicle after it became gangrenous due to a misdiagnosis by the doctors. The 16-year-old boy, who wishes to remain anonymous, suffered from excruciating pain in his groin and stomach for six days before he was correctly diagnosed with testicular torsion, a condition that requires immediate medical attention.
What is testicular torsion and how did it happen?
Testicular torsion is a rare but serious condition that occurs when the spermatic cord, which supplies blood to the testicle, twists and cuts off the blood flow. This can cause severe pain, swelling, and damage to the testicle. If not treated promptly, the testicle can die and need to be removed.
The boy’s ordeal began on February 14, 2024, when he woke up with a sharp pain in his left testicle. He went to the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley, where he was examined by a doctor who told him that he had a urinary tract infection and prescribed him antibiotics. The doctor did not perform an ultrasound scan or a physical examination of the testicle, which could have detected the torsion.
The boy returned home, hoping that the pain would subside. However, it only got worse over the next few days. He could not sleep, eat, or walk properly. He also developed a fever and vomiting. His mother took him back to the hospital several times, but each time he was sent home with more antibiotics and painkillers. He was told that he had a kidney infection, a kidney stone, or a twisted bowel.
How did the boy finally get the right diagnosis and treatment?
On February 20, 2024, the boy’s condition deteriorated to the point that he could not stand up. His mother rushed him to the hospital again, where he was finally seen by a different doctor who immediately suspected testicular torsion. He ordered an emergency ultrasound scan, which confirmed the diagnosis. The scan also revealed that the boy’s left testicle had turned black and was necrotic, meaning that it had died due to lack of blood supply.
The boy was taken to the operating theatre, where the surgeons had to remove his left testicle. They also performed a procedure called orchidopexy, which involves fixing the right testicle to the scrotum to prevent it from twisting in the future. The boy spent two days in the hospital before he was discharged.
What are the consequences and the legal actions of the boy and his family?
The boy and his family are devastated by the loss of his testicle and the impact it will have on his physical and mental health. The boy is worried about his fertility, his sexual function, and his self-esteem. He is also angry and frustrated by the negligence and incompetence of the doctors who failed to diagnose him correctly and timely.
The boy and his family have lodged a formal complaint against the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, the health board that runs the Royal Alexandra Hospital. They are also considering taking legal action against the hospital and the doctors involved. They want an apology, an explanation, and a compensation for the pain and suffering they have endured.
The NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has admitted that there were “shortcomings” in the boy’s care and that they are conducting a “full investigation” into the incident. They have also offered their “sincere apologies” to the boy and his family and assured them that they will “learn from this case and improve our services”.