In a delightful twist of nostalgia, the iconic pop duo The Cheeky Girls has resurfaced to celebrate the launch of IRN-BRU’s latest limited-edition flavors. The beverage company has introduced two retro-inspired Irn-Bru Xtra variants: Raspberry Ripple and Wild Berry Slush. These flavors aim to evoke the tastes of the 1990s and the Y2K era, transporting fans back in time.
A Sip Back in Time
The Cheeky Girls, known for their hit song “Touch My Bum,” have enthusiastically embraced the throwback flavors. They’ve taken to social media, playfully sipping the nostalgic concoctions and even donning the looks that made them famous. From Gabriela and Monica Irimia’s cheeky outfits to Gareth Gates’ spiky hair and S Club 7’s signature style, it’s a delightful blast from the past.
The Taste That Takes You Back
IRN-BRU’s new Raspberry Ripple and Wild Berry Slush flavors promise to be the ultimate taste trip down memory lane. Remember the days of blue eyeshadow, Tamagotchis, and flip phones? These flavors encapsulate that era, offering a delightful journey for your taste buds.
Meet the Flavor Ambassadors
Let’s introduce the flavor ambassadors who need no introduction themselves:
- The Cheeky Girls: Gabriela and Monica Irimia shot to fame with their catchy hit “Touch My Bum.” Their audition remains etched in TV history, and now they’re back to spread the cheeky vibes.
- Gareth Gates: Remember the intense pop idol rivalry between Gareth Gates and Will Young in 2002? Gareth’s spiky hair and soulful voice made him a household name.
- Bradley McIntosh: As a member of the iconic pop group S Club 7, Bradley had his dream come true. He’s also a star from the hit TV series “Miami 7.”
Where to Get Your Nostalgia Fix
Scots can quench their thirst for nostalgia as The Cheeky Girls make a special appearance in Glasgow. Behind the counter at a local newsagent, they’ll be handing out free cans of the two nostalgic IRN-BRU flavors. Keep an eye on IRN-BRU’s social channels for details on when and where to catch them.
Get Your Retro Fix
The IRN-BRU Xtra Raspberry Ripple and Wild Berry Slush flavors are now available on shelves. Grab them while you can, and let IRN-BRU know which one becomes your favorite. Whether you’re a fan of the 1990s or simply curious about the flavors of yesteryears, these limited-edition drinks are a delightful sip back in time.