The Daily Record shares the heartbreaking story of Brooke Russell, a 20-year-old woman who tragically lost her life in a horror crash on the M8. The accident occurred on Christmas Eve when her car left the eastbound carriageway near a bridge over the Union Canal in West Lothian. Despite efforts to save her, Brooke passed away in the hospital the following day.
A Heartfelt Tribute
Brooke’s friends remember her as “one of a kind.” On Facebook, one close friend expressed their grief, saying, “I keep thinking someone will tell me it’s all just a lie and I’ll be able to see her again. Goodnight Brooke, fly high with the angels, miss you.”
Appeal for Witnesses
Police are appealing for witnesses to the crash. If you have any information, particularly dash-cam footage, please contact them via 101, quoting incident number 3156 of Thursday, December 23, 2021.